His research showed how early genetic theories applied to natural populations, and has therefore contributed towards the modern synthesis of evolutionary theory.
Rowe (2002) states that "football violence is often explained by focusing on genetic and sociological theories."
If, on the other hand, you subscribe to a genetic theory of relevance then the study of genes becomes relevant.
She disproved the popular genetic theory of the time that genes were fixed in their position on a chromosome.
The inheritance of acquired characters was rejected, while mutationism gave way as genetic theories matured.
Even a genetic theory would lead you to that conclusion.
There has also been evidence within animal context regarding the genetic theory behind female bonding.
He uses terms like "fraud" to describe the biological and genetic theories of mental disorders.
Revisiting an old hypothesis with genetic theories and a macroevolutionary approach.
Whilst this could be evidence for a genetic theory, it has also been argued that male brains may be more vulnerable during early development.