But I heard you won't even talk to half the people on your own planet because they don't meet some half-assed standard of genetic purity.
It will be necessary to perform certain tests before issuing you a certificate of genetic purity.
Three superficial tests and you grant me a certificate of genetic purity?
"You owe your manhood not to me, but to the sacred cause of genetic purity," Feric told him.
Despite this, Mir remains devoted to him because of his genetic purity, and even teams up with him at the end.
In order to maintain genetic purity, some museums do not mix livestock breeds.
In the name of genetic purity they even killed their own handicapped citizens.
It was not about racial or genetic purity.
High priority is given to maintaining the genetic purity of the native Red Deer herd.
But the genetic purity of at least some traditional seed varieties has been compromised.