It is faster and cheaper than adoption, and allows women to bear their own genetic offspring.
It also encourages women to bear children who are not genetically related to them, so that their mates can have genetic offspring.
These too are genetic offspring of different races.
Females have been shown to be selective in an attempt to ensure the best genetic offspring, for example, fighting off the advances of smaller males.
But on July 18, a woman in Pasadena, Calif., gave birth to the couple's first genetic offspring, two boys and a girl.
Daly and Wilson report that this parental love can explain why genetic offspring are more immune to lashing out by parents.
Just as they had hoped, one daughter turned out to be Doug's genetic offspring, the other Eric's.
The repository's work would eventually yield more than 200 babies, apparently none of them the genetic offspring of a Nobel laureate.
Chimeras are inbred for as many as 20 generations until homozygous genetic offspring are born.