A journey around the three billion characters in 23 chromosomes that carry the genetic instructions for making human beings.
With the human genetic instructions reduced to paper, it will one day be possible to identify and pick out the genes for any inherited quality.
Or even if nothing was done with your remains, there would still be in existence multiple copies of your genetic instructions.
We do know that every cell contains an identical and complete set of genetic instructions, the genome.
Basically, viruses are made up of genetic instructions wrapped inside a protective shell.
Genes are usually the genetic instructions for production of one or another protein necessary to cells and their functions.
One difficulty is that medical education in all countries does not provide adequate genetic instruction.
The genetic instructions of all the other taxa on Earth are written in the same language, with the same code book.
The researchers concluded the genetic instructions to make dogs small must be at least 12,000 years old, and it is not found in wolves.
We have the genetic instructions to synthezise them, but they've also been turned off.