This is not to say that scientists should stop trying to manipulate viruses or correct genetic flaws.
Moreover, they stressed that not every person with an alcohol, drug, mood or food problem has the genetic flaw.
Like much technology, this science began with a narrow, lofty goal - to help couples who are carriers for a specific subset of genetic flaws.
Perhaps there was a genetic flaw; we both had too many zits.
He predicted that they would know far more about the genetic flaw within the next six months to a year.
Such difficulties are already appearing in efforts to find genetic flaws that heighten the risk of schizophrenia, the most devastating mental disorder.
For many people, the biggest issue with genetic engineering is whether or not to seek out and act on knowledge about genetic flaws.
From these animals, they hope to discover how one genetic flaw can cause such a catalogue of afflictions.
Just in case there might be some genetic flaws that we should know about in advance.
There are more than 3,000 different diseases caused by genetic flaws.