These do need to be read, because although the book is generously illustrated with photographs of author, friends and outfits, they are all in black and white.
Wallace's concept is inspired, but one wishes that his descriptions, particularly of buildings long demolished, like the bowler-shaped Brown Derby restaurant, were more generously illustrated.
Both books were generously illustrated.
The letters are generously illustrated with cartoons.
Both presentation material and exercises are generously illustrated to enable learners to visualize contexts and to help with difficult vocabulary.
Her complaint was generously illustrated by an American tourist couple at a table near.
These books were also generously illustrated with many color and black and white drawings depicting a wide range of scientific concepts.
The book, available at Salmagundi, at 66 Main Street, includes a chapter on Cold Spring and is generously illustrated with maps, color plates and photographs.
His idiosyncratic, experimental approach to photography, his primary medium, broke the rules of darkroom practice in the service of an avant-garde sensibility that is generously illustrated here.
Articles are generously illustrated by photographs, maps, chronologies and diagrams.