Gunther and Hannelore Hoffman, charming third-generation German Namibians, treat their guests like family, cooking steaming farm meals with generous tots of home-made prickly pear schnapps.
The chefs pour wine on the simmering snails from time to time as well as generous tots from a bottle containing Michel Burguet's secret recipe, which has been in his family for generations.
She poured us both a generous tot, and drank hers rather faster than liqueurs are normally drunk, then gasped and blinked as sudden tears started to her eyes.
I picked it up and poured another generous tot.
Nairn had pulled the bottle from his sabretache and poured generous tots into two dirty glasses he found on the table.
He knocked back the generous tot Ken had poured.
After they ate (a large platter of leftovers left for them by the women) Shadow poured a generous tot into each glass-his, Ibis's, JacqueFs, and,Mad Sweeney's.
She slopped a generous tot into her own glass and drank it off as though it were water.
Fueled by generous tots of clairin, a fiery raw rum, women in satin dresses hike up their skirts as they strut to the blaring horns, baring white panties and broad bellies.
Her father, not usually a man given to sentiment, quietly put a generous tot of brandy into each mug of ale, and refused all payment.