Ars contacted Google for comment, and received a generic statement expressing disappointment and stating the company needed to review the ruling before deciding how to respond.
This will help you stick to specifics and avoid penning vague, generic statements.
Examples of the gnomic include such generic statements as: birds fly; sugar is sweet; a mother can always tell.
The indefinite (gnomic tense) prefix is used for generic statements such as "birds fly", and the vowels of the subject prefixes are assimilated.
Genachowski breezed past these warnings with eloquence, charm, and generic statements regarding the key issues.
This qualification statement may be used as a generic pre-qualification statement or a contract-specific qualification statement.
"It is inappropriate for I.P.A. to use generic statements from a speech President Bush gave seven years ago to defend its record," Ms. Becker said.
But, he added, "that is a generic statement and you can always find specific instances where that statement doesn't hold water."
O.K.," Bonilla said, "Here's a generic statement for you: When was the last time you saw a baseball player playing by himself?
As in English, Esperanto present tense may be used for generic statements such as "birds fly" (la birdoj flugas).