If someone without the proper electronic ID walks in, the display switches to a generic image, thus keeping sensitive information from unauthorized eyes.
Instead of putting up generic images, you could encourage your customers to tell their own stories by posting to your site.
Other companies try to blend in by maintaining a geographically generic image, so they are not associated with any one country or culture.
Mainstream films tend to use a small palette of familiar, generic images, plots, verbal expressions, and archetypal "stock" characters.
The scarification marks on its skin suggest generic images of vegetation and ritual.
"We don't want to present a generic image."
They typically involve generic images of white doves and true loves.
"Ray Smock decided we should use a generic image of an 18th-century gentleman, a figure that was somewhat nondescript among some of his famous peers."
The new software generates a generic image of a human.
These units now generate a generic image of a person, with specific areas of suspicion highlighted by boxes.