Russian futurism and the spirituality of Piet Mondrian have also been generative forces in his art.
Famine and plague and revolution were the price of such imbalance, and they would come again- unless the tide were turned, the great generative force harnessed.
The Empress is closely associated with the suits of Disks (Earth) and Wands (fire/masculine generative force).
Callan notes that Miguel Angel Face's transformation from the President's favorite to a positive generative force is not deliberate.
Do my paintings and poems repre-sent the generative forces of your womb that you have refused to heed?
Fire, a generative masculine force, is leavened somewhat by the fact that it is dominated by a feminine figure.
Thus the ignorant use of the generative force is primarily responsible for pain, sickness and sorrow.
But my people consider it their most powerful way to express the generative force of life.
It does come, however slowly, from the generative force of unchecked disregard of the restrictions that fence in even the most disinterested assertion of authority.