Between 1880 and 1895 a fourth generation succeeded to the business, and the firm name was changed to Benziger and Company.
Another three generations in the male line succeeded Stapleton and Ingleton, after which the property was divided among coheiresses.
If he does that, then he will have accomplished his goal of preparing this generation and future ones to succeed.
When the latest generation of Lions succeeded, the enormousness of their commitment drove players and coaches to tearful embraces.
Several other generations of the Westermann succeeded him.
They proved that again last weekend when a new generation of Hungarian Communist leaders succeeded in seizing power.
In the early Middle Ages, every royal family, as generation succeeded generation, seemed to be unhappy in its own way.
In his paintings, Jordaens conveys this moralizing message as well as the idea that younger generations succeed their elders.
Between these two pieces, how many generations of workmen have succeeded each other in our pits!
Once there, they had changed, as generation succeeded generation, to suit their new homes until they became their present species.