Every generation of mankind has sought longer lives.
Attitudes began to change in the 1960's, when a new generation sought to uncover long-suppressed truths.
A new generation of Nagas is now seeking non-violent ways to find a better future.
A new generation of judges has sought - with some success - to challenge the impunity traditionally enjoyed here by politicians.
And the next generation, the children of the immigrant parents, sought to prove themselves with a vengeance.
It was indeed a reliable contribution to psychology to remark that an evil and adulterous generation sought for a sign.
But eventually the survivors will pass on and future generations will seek this documentation.
The simple and reassuring fact is that a future generation of leaders is seeking new challenges during challenging times.
The quest for honor was especially important, as a rising generation sought their self-identity and a link with heroic ancestors.
Yet each generation seeks its saint by instinct; and he is not what the people want, but rather what the people need.