One Japanese executive said real change could only come when his generation retired.
"Things are never going to be back to normal until this generation of firefighters has retired."
First, a generation of doctors who trained during the late 1960's and were struck by the often tragic complications of illegal abortions are retiring.
The story line is familiar: the biggest generation ever retires, bankrupting social programs and overburdening those young enough to remain in the work force.
The first generation can retire there, or maybe we can bring them back.
The generation of principals born in the baby boom are retiring, leaving districts struggling to replace them.
But as his generation retires, there are too few to replace them.
But before this century's largest generation retires, they must first help their parents get through old age.
A generation of politicians is retiring in many of these small towns.
We have lost a tremendous amount of horse people as the older generation has retired.