People who were (or are), by and large, at most one generation removed from poverty.
Although generations removed and thinned by marriage, the power of the tree was still his.
These choices usually draw more attention when they involve people of color, but the reality is that most Americans honor their family heritage, generations removed.
They focus on the central parent-child bond, but at one generation removed and with a substantial difference in age between the two parties.
I believe that I am one of your offspring, but many generations removed from now.
A former generation had removed the double doors and replaced them with portieres of velvet.
I was born in 1963, a generation removed and an ocean away from the destruction of European Jewry.
Captain Freeman could turn out to be a thirty-fifth cousin, generations removed.
However many generations removed, there was a human side to him, and it was rebelling against authority.
Our generation, the generation twice removed, has struggled with the question of authenticity.