He had seen the labour of generations of his ancestors dissolve in flame; why start again centuries from now on yet another world--when Paradise was here?
Four generations of her ancestors were Shakespearean actors.
We have lost the simple, playful interaction with Nature or with several generations of our ancestors.
Each degree corresponds to a generation of Ivan's royal ancestors.
And this has so enraged our own ghosts... yes, a thousand generations of our ancestors are riding on the wind to repel this barbaric invasion!
The paradox lies in the personal harmonization of these cultures, an option possible only for Felix and not for any other generation of his ancestors or descendants.
Again, in order to pay respect to his ancestors, Huan had the bell inscribed with names from eight generations of his ancestors.
Several generations of my ancestors are buried in the cemetery just a few minutes' walk from it.
Six generations of his ancestors were all born through winning lottery tickets.
Darian's parents had been trappers, as had many generations of his ancestors on either side.