As of 2011, this chipset is now on its fifth generation, known as eX5 technology.
The second generation of satellites, known as Glonass-M, were developed beginning in 1990 and first launched in 2003.
The town is and has been for generations generally known by its inhabitants and local people simply as Lynn.
As you may expect with a generation known for having it all, the restorations have gone beyond duplicating a muscle car.
Recent technological and operational improvements are also paving the way for a fourth generation, known as the demand-responsive, multimodal system.
A new generation of powerful computers, known as graphic superworkstations, will allow scientists to better visualize such proteins.
Raikoh wields a sacred sword passed down throughout many generations, known as the 'Soul Shrine'.
A first generation of antipsychotics, known as typical antipsychotics, was discovered in the 1950s.
A true peak in publishing occurred from 1990 onward with the generation known as the "Novísimos."
The next generation, also known as the Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control, will include information served from a vehicle ahead in the same lane.