Since then generations of student ringers have come and gone, contributing on the way to the development of the Society and its traditions.
Each generation has contributed to the development of the business.
Instead, his thoughts wandered toward the years that lie ahead, and what a future generation of Christophers might contribute to them.
Each generation of its citizens had contributed in the construction of the city, each making it more formidable.
It also demands, fairly, that the current generation of baby-boomers contributes proportionately more.
Many generations have contributed to this enterprise and well finally bring it to fruition.
As the town grows and falls, different generations of the Buendía family play important roles, contributing to its development.
What will the next generation of whiz kids contribute?
Mr. Kishida said his generation could contribute to Japan's economic development as his parents did before him.
The younger generation of The Hindus editors have also contributed much to its commercial success.