The model includes a complete database of all electric utility generating units within the United States.
The endeavor shall be to fill the Nagarjunasagar reservoir fully with the uniform water released through the power generating units.
The utility currently projects that Island Falls generating units will continue in operation into their 9th decade before retirement.
For instance, natural gas provision, which could have supplied new power generating units, did not materialize.
The power plant have nine power generating units.
By July, 1968, all construction was completed and the plant was operating at its full 225,000 kilowatt capacity with two power generating units.
Such water tube boilers in thermal power station are also called steam generating units.
The section 112(f)(2) determination shall be based on actual emissions by electric utility steam generating units in 2010.
Phase I included certain electricity generating units.
Hydroelectric power generating units were added in 1948, 1949 and 1953.