Any Unix command sequence that generates text can be used to send a message in one line.
Next, a loop of a fixed range of iterations that generates random text.
Modern character generators are computer-based, and can generate graphics as well as text.
Nexis generated text, not images, but if a photograph appeared with a story, that information was included in the printout.
Also, it isn't hard to generate random text with a frequency distribution similar to real text, artificially raising the coincidence count.
A more compact running key can be used if one combinatorially generates text using several start pointers (or combination rules).
With the amount of computer generated text outpacing the ability of people to humans to curate it, there needs some means of distinguishing between the two.
It may be used to display a sample of fonts, generate text for testing, or to spoof an e-mail spam filter.
Parody generators are computer programs which generate syntactically correct, but meaningless text in the style of a particular writer.
A pseudonym used to post generated text to usenet.