The romance genre has over the years generated significant derision, skepticism and criticism.
Never mind that her methods - which I later learned were temporary, expensive and not covered by insurance - have generated skepticism among others in medicine.
It has also generated understandable skepticism from New Yorkers.
The small number of study subjects has generated skepticism.
He managed to break your heart and generate skepticism about his behavior at the same time.
Innovative financial instruments often generate skepticism, and few have generated more controversy than high yield debt.
The new data have generated both buzz and skepticism among cosmologists in recent weeks.
But Watkins continues to generate skepticism among baseball officials and financial people about his ability to buy and operate a team.
That view of Heisenberg has always generated skepticism among some historians.
Changes in the law followed a sea change in public attitudes, according to legal scholars, as the insanity defense generated mounting skepticism.