It is fast, with a 4.7-liter V-8 engine that generates 450 horsepower.
The engine generates 252 horsepower and 267 foot-pounds of torque.
Honda took the model with the 3.0-liter V-6 engine, which generates 240 horsepower, and added a 16-horsepower electric system.
Their new motor generated 25 horsepower, just enough power for takeoff and a slow climb.
Could a horse generate 3 horsepower, even if he could throw a fast ball?
The ship had triple expansion engines that could generate 5,000 horsepower.
Their engines generated 750 horsepower, cost $75,000 each and typically lasted only one race.
During the test, Tesla was able to achieve 9,000 rpm and generate 200 horsepower.
The engine worked on steam produced at 225 pounds of pressure, and generated 750 horsepower.
Rice's engine fixed up now, and generating nearly fifty horsepower.