His company does "a bunch of things" to generate leads, including buying lists, but also "introducing offers to prospects" on its Web site.
Companies may also rely on referrals, telemarketers, and advertisements to generate leads.
Technology has made a tremendous impact on the way that salesmen generate leads.
"It has the potential to generate enormous leads."
Now it's time to generate leads and turn them into sales.
"Our main objective is to generate leads for members, so nothing is left to chance," he said.
But it is already easy to see the income-earning possibilities, either through advertising or generating highly specific leads for real estate agents.
To make the list, a fugitive usually must be considered particularly dangerous in a case likely to attract enough publicity to generate leads and an arrest.
They didn't have enough rough information to generate leads, but that was changing fast.
Sometimes the information you give the companies can be used to generate leads for their sales forces.