And they generate enormous goodwill.
Experienced workers who interact with customers can generate goodwill along with increased sales.
Because of negative perceptions of the adult entertainment industry, many clubs engage in public displays of charity to generate goodwill.
The maneuver can generate goodwill for your flexibility, even as you pursue an aggressive negotiating agenda.
Multiple-benefit projects generate valuable goodwill for investors by fostering synergistic and innovative solutions.
There are few such efforts to generate goodwill here.
Thus, it becomes clear that his persuasive abilities were helpful in generating good press and public goodwill towards his projects.
It hadn't generated much goodwill, but the loading was well ahead of schedule.
I don't think we are going to be generating much goodwill by losing control of the internet by being jackasses.
Although there was some opposition for the explicit nudity, the campaign generated great goodwill as well.