The trick is to generate a beam that'll pierce the volcanic dust without causing a lot of false echoes.
However, the difficulty of generating such a beam, plus its ready interactions with matter, limit its usefulness except as a weapon.
Lasers are used because they generate a narrow beam over great distances.
The mass spectrometer operates by generating a beam of ionized atoms from the sample under test.
It generates a tight beam of ultrasound beyond the range of the human ear.
A fire truck was used to generate a high-powered beam to light the area.
A laser is a device which generates a coherent beam of light.
A field emission electron gun generates a beam with high coherence and high intensity.
It had been designed to find submerged mines in dark water and could generate a three-thousand-candlepower beam.
His admitted goal was to generate "a beam of gamma rays powerful enough to create antimatter."