The Nagartha are a generally well-educated, economically sufficient forward community, and as such are not eligible for reservation benefits, the Indian affirmative action.
Literacy in Uzbekistan is almost universal, and workers are generally well-educated and trained accordingly in their respective fields.
They pretend to be generally well-educated and bring past commercial experience to their government posts.
The highly motivated, generally well-educated homosexual groups have taken the lead in AIDS education.
Teaching staff are in a 20:1 ratio to students, and are generally well-educated in their field, while maintaining ties to their profession.
It was to be aimed at the generally well-educated minority of Palestinians who speak English, as well as Israelis.
And Westchester citizens are generally well-educated: 75 percent are high school graduates and 28 percent went to college.
NCS employees are generally well-educated, know other languages, like to work with people from all over the world and can adapt to any situation, including dangerous ones.
It is precisely because our readership is generally well-educated, though, that mistakes are easily spotted, and we are easily diminished by them.
The entire Swiss population is generally well-educated.