Milkfish have a generally symmetrical and streamlined appearance, with a sizable forked caudal fin.
The generally symmetrical volcano is modified by the sharp-peaked Ventorrillo on the NW, a remnant of an earlier volcano.
The zhòuwén characters have been described as generally symmetrical and balanced, and are on average (although not always) more complex than the later seal characters.
Other protrusions, bulbs and hummocks covered its top and sides, producing a generally symmetrical effect that only broke down at a more detailed level.
It has a generally symmetrical facade with a steep-pitched gable roof and slant oreil windows.
It had subordinate ranges reaching forward at either extremity in a generally symmetrical composition.
The modillioned cornice continues on the east façade, which is generally symmetrical about a central doorway apart a projecting bay on the north end.
Vamps are generally symmetrical, self-contained, and open to variation.
Houses that were planned were generally symmetrical, and very simple, usually containing 2 to 4 rooms around a central hallway.
The 5-lobed, generally symmetrical leaves resemble maple leaves, light green with a bronze tinge, but with texture reminding one of its ivy-like relatives.