To the contrary, he said, "being childlike generally suggests innocence rather than brutality."
While economists disagree over the magnitude of the private saving offset, studies generally suggest it is less than one-for-one.
Professor List's work more generally suggests that people become rational in their spending only through the repeated experience of trading in markets.
Okay, the next item generally suggested we formed.
If people who don't want to be disturbed see the general need of an establishment, such as an airport, they generally suggest another location.
Experts generally suggest that the answer is "Nope."
Higher imports generally suggest robust consumer spending, which was evident during much of the first quarter but appears to have subsided this spring.
These brain patterns generally suggest a decrease in mental activity and are associated with a relaxed state.
Nor is there the kind of heroic scale and romantic sweep that the word epic, when applied to movies, or even to television, generally suggests.
The presence of a suicide note generally suggests more premeditation and greater suicidal intent.