Blacklight: Retribution received positive reviews, generally scoring higher than its predecessor.
Field goals generally score 3 points.
On Metacritic, the multiple versions of the game generally scored in the mid-to-low 60s, indicating "mixed or average reviews."
Measured against other factors of personality, authoritarians generally score lower on openness to experience and slightly higher on conscientiousness.
Extremely impoverished countries in Africa generally scored low on various categories, but no nation came in lowest in all types of happiness.
Mr. Nixon generally scored in the 90's, while President Eisenhower occasionally broke 80.
Since Independence students generally score above Kansas City students, the school's test scores may rise.
The series achieved a peak rating of 11.6% for episode 18 (broadcast February 11, 1974) and generally scored ratings of around 8-10%.
Other scores, while varied, generally scored around the middle range of scores.
In the meantime, your replacement crew have all been officers who generally scored considerably lower on their evaluation reports before arriving here.