The five following episodes generally revolved around Deb's various temporary assignments and how they affected her personal life.
The plot generally revolves around Otis (a cow) and his barnyard friends.
Themes in the video generally revolve around photography and nature.
Novels generally revolve around small towns and their spiritual legacies, often interwoven with current political issues.
The puzzles generally revolve around making clever use of the virtual physical environment and, most important, they make sense rather than feel arbitrary.
His works generally revolved around the Czech countryside.
All they knew was that his conversation generally revolved around punishment and death for the enemies of the cause.
-The problem generally revolves around how much authority and control - autonomy - a person has relating to his or her own death.
Questions on the relationship between health benefits and polyphenols generally revolve around bioavailability.
Life in Lexington generally revolves around the two colleges, and visitors are welcome to tour both campuses.