While ordinary stock options generally qualify for favorable tax treatment, options issued at a discount to the market price do not.
I don't really see a problem here, we generally qualify for major tournaments ok and normally we get through the group stages ok.
Here are my favorites among the gargoyles that generally qualify as grotesques.
A house that suffers from termite damage would not generally qualify because it is considered to be gradual and progressive.
Previously, an amount paid to a medical practitioner for surgery of any kind, whether cosmetic or elective did generally qualify as a medical expense.
A disorder in spelling or handwriting without other difficulties of written expression do not generally qualify for this diagnosis.
Because the species is a sterile hybrid, it does not generally qualify for conservation protection.
These devices also generally qualify for discounts.
A divorced widow can generally qualify for benefits if she was married to the deceased worker for 10 years before they were divorced.
Only the top 25% of the school generally qualifies for the list.