Larger wheels require better skating technique, so skaters generally progress upwards in wheel size as they gain experience.
There is no cure, but the disease generally progresses gradually and does not affect life expectancy.
Dr. Gold said that sibling relationships generally progressed through typical stages as brothers and sisters age.
Although they enjoy the benefits of having officer rank, they generally progress through the ranks to become pursers.
The nearly 2,300 patients in the trial all had a relatively stable form of coronary artery disease that generally progresses slowly.
The program generally progresses with an increasingly clinical focus and usually the final year involves practical placements at clinics, and research.
We'll let you know whether Wilfred Bentworth will take the chair, and how we progress generally.
Its educational work is being rendered less important in proportion as education progresses among the Russian Jews generally.
The stories generally progress chronologically from early life experiences through adulthood to the end of a career.
Monsoon current generally progresses from east to west in northern Himalayan region of India.