American products, generally priced higher than the competition to start with, are therefore becoming that much more expensive for many countries to buy.
Main courses are generally priced between $10 and $20 on Crackers' seasonal menu, which changes four times a year.
The small wine list is unconventional and generally well priced in relation to the food.
Priced generally around $10, they taste like $25 and $35 wines.
A score of sets are available as gifts, generally priced from $40 to $150.
The varied wine list is generally fairly priced, although a few more selections under $25 would be welcome.
Items sold here are generally very low priced, and often mock products of the originals.
Windsor sells only its own wines, generally priced at $9 to $20.
A rental title is generally priced at $60 to $65 wholesale.
Upgrades, generally priced at around $30, offer more features for playing and organizing music.