Vocals are usually shouted or screamed, and lyrics are generally pessimistic in nature.
His conclusions in this respect were generally pessimistic and nostalgic.
Mr. Kostunica, who describes himself as a generally pessimistic man, now senses "a feeling of victory in the air."
The seventh round ended on Nov. 19 and assessments of it were generally pessimistic.
Fashion insiders are generally pessimistic about a no-name strategy.
This may be to fulfill a prediction made by the speaker or because they are generally pessimistic.
"There won't be an overwhelming breakthrough," said a Chinese who in the past has been generally pessimistic about prospects for liberalization.
B3 Black and white New Yorkers agree on many issues facing the city, including a generally pessimistic view of race relations, a poll found.
Conservative thinkers, especially social conservatives, often perceive politics in a generally pessimistic way.
The market certainly endorsed that concept yesterday, and on a generally pessimistic day for stocks.