New York generally outpaced the 10 other districts that participated in this round, demonstrating that sustained effort applied over time can actually begin to change educational outcomes.
Conformity to standards paid off as Coral Gables remained a fashionable bedroom community where real estate values generally outpaced those elsewhere in Dade County.
Amon usually qualified in the midfield and generally outpaced his team-mates, who included his good friend Mike Hailwood.
With state budgets squeezed, tuition increases at public universities this academic year, which generally outpaced those at private universities, often exceeded 10 percent, according to a study last month by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education.
Dan McNeela, a real estate fund analyst at Morningstar Inc., pointed out that active managers generally outpaced their index-oriented rivals in real estate investment in recent years.
Despite this, Barrichello again generally outpaced his teammate.
Other projections vary widely, but many economists agree that after many years of generally outpacing inflation, prices for single-family dwellings, including cooperatives and condominium apartments, will do no better than match the inflation rate in this decade.
However, the Scotsman was outscored and generally outpaced by his Finnish team-mate.
That reverses a trend that women were generally outpacing people of color in getting decision-making positions.
Despite only being a Renault customer and in direct competition with the factory Renault RE50s, Lotus generally outpaced and outscored the French team throughout the season.