However, they were generally occupied for a mere 30 years or less.
These sites are generally occupied by a single Troop each.
But, for two days, the floor of the Parliament was generally occupied only by the speaker and the next in line to speak.
Now, in getting under weigh, the station generally occupied by the pilot is the forward part of the ship.
Two of its three main floors are generally occupied by temporary exhibitions.
Individuals generally occupy a home range a few kilometers long, and remain there year-round.
A friend came in, and the waiter saw him look for me in the place I generally occupied.
The inner harbor is now generally occupied by only small pleasure craft during the summer months.
Utility players can be seen as "Jack of all trades" and they generally occupy the reserve position in a team.
American soldiers are generally too occupied with reducing street crime and restoring basic services like electricity to pay much attention.