Gone are the shoulder-length hair and the wide headband, and the disdain for the generally miserable weather of the English midlands.
Julie Patheticstein - An overweight friend of Violet's who works at a stationary store and is generally miserable.
He already was sweating all the time, guzzling liquids, and was generally miserable with the heat-and everyone told him that summer hadn't really started.
Kethry might have been worried- except that she was feeling too cold, sore, and generally miserable to bother with something as simple as "worry."
It will not happen soon, though, if Americans first need to be convinced that life is generally miserable.
She was drinking a cold bottle of juice, waiting to meet her friends and looking generally miserable.
The Shostakovich Sonata must come as a relief to listeners accustomed to the details of the composer's generally miserable life.
Because of jazz's generally miserable financial condition, musicians with orchestral ambition rarely get a chance to air what they know.
If a lack of estrogen is causing body systems to malfunction and making life generally miserable, why not just replace the missing estrogen?
Sikh rule was generally miserable for the Turks of Behali.