Adults generally inhabit areas of reef below 20 m.
These fish generally inhabit areas that have a soft substrate, such as mud or sand.
This snail generally inhabits clean, clear water, where it can reach high population densities.
They generally inhabit areas with well sorted coarse sand.
Fleas generally inhabit the lower half of your pet's body, the tail base and belly being popular feeding areas.
This mussel generally inhabits the upper part of the sublittoral zone.
It generally inhabits rocky environments with little plant cover, but can be found in dry forest or thorn scrub.
It generally inhabits tidal pools and shallow rocky areas, often in strong surf.
However, relatively few bites are recorded due to their reclusive nature and the fact they generally inhabit sparsely populated areas.
The youngest sharks generally inhabit shallower water than the older juveniles and adults.