Each of these was defeated very quickly, and the leaders were generally executed.
A small foundation's trading orders are still generally executed in a blizzard of faxes and phone calls to money managers.
In the early stages of the camp's existence prisoners were generally executed within a week of arrival.
In accord with the ethos of the project, it is generally executed in high quality materials.
They are generally not executed by an interpreter, which would result in much slower execution.
His work is generally executed on canvas.
Performance testing is generally executed to determine how a system or sub-system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload.
Wood-fire grilling is a specialty, and it is generally executed with care.
Since programs are generally executed sequentially, performance is likely to be best when instructions are prefetched in program order.
Simplicity and grace are the keynotes of this music, which is generally well executed by these German forces.