The dollar-mark exchange rate and generally depressed import market aside, who and what are responsible for their plight?
He has his father's facial features, as well as his father's disappointment, insecurity, and generally depressed demeanor.
Thus, in a generally depressed society, demand for shoes will rise.
Industrial companies continued to report generally depressed second-quarter earnings yesterday.
The company said it had hoped to expand earlier, but the effects of 9/11 and a generally depressed advertising market caused a delay.
Earlier this year, they traded as high as 170 francs ($34), or 75 percent above their current level in a generally depressed market.
He expects Galen hospital earnings, by contrast, to grow by only 7 percent in a generally depressed market for hospital services.
The expenditures, coupled with newly conservative accounting practices and generally depressed sales in much of the retailing industry, have meant some pretty severe earnings drops.
And some investors may have seized a rare opportunity to take profits in the generally depressed biotechnology sector.
During the week, in a generally depressed market, 1.23 million Hachette shares, or about 6 percent of the company's stock, have changed hands.