"Lunar dust" generally connotes even finer materials than lunar soil, the fraction which is less than 30 micrometers in diameter.
In today's world, the term "abuse" has a very powerful meaning, generally connoting the infliction of physical, sexual or serious emotional harm.
Colloquial or soft-science usages that generally connote similar notions:
Lunar dust generally connotes even finer materials than lunar soil.
This use generally connotes free software and is a term occasionally used in the open source software community.
A sound generally connotes a protected anchorage.
The term "mutilatory" generally connotes some form of disfigurement or even maiming.
The term generally connotes a degree of independence from political influence or other authority, and such panels usually have no direct authority of their own.
Steeples are very common on Christian churches and cathedrals and the use of the term generally connotes a religious structure.