Although the trade is generally condemned, captives without the means to afford ransom all too frequently end up in chains on Nyissan slave ships.
The award divided public opinion, and was generally condemned by conservative forces.
In the meantime, by being generally condemned as falsities, they will not be essentially damaged as truths.
Euthanasia then was generally condemned and terminally ill patients rarely refused medical treatment.
My departure made some noise, and was generally condemned.
Without the stress and tension of new-century town life, so generally condemned, country clubs could not have so multiplied.
The indiscriminate over-suppression of feelings is generally condemned as unhealthy.
This participation is generally condemned by smaller parties, which claimed that Labour and National unfairly monopolised funding.
It was generally condemned as treachery.
The plaintiffs' bar has generally condemned "loser pays," saying it would discourage many ordinary citizens from filing justified lawsuits.