It generally combines exercise, breathing therapy, emotional support, advice for eating well, and education.
Works generally combine improvisation with conventional scoring and move frequently from one system to the other.
They generally combine their specialized occupation of boat management with other occupations such as fishing and the growing of waternuts.
Individual programs offered by institutions in the US vary but generally combine distance learning with local practicum training.
He was described as "one of these rare men who can be appointed to educational, eveangelistic or pioneer missionary work and generally combines the three together".
When a nonmetal combines with a metal, they generally combine ionically.
For example, a bird could be considered the substance, generally combining characteristics such as feathers, a beak, and the ability to lay eggs.
However, they generally combine theatrical flair and good value.
Typically, therefore, such users generally combine querying and browsing strategies to foster learning and investigation.
TOTimals generally combine features of many different animals, creating a familiar feel, while still making it impossible to identify the animal.