The outer atmosphere is generally bland and lacking in contrast, although long-lived features can appear.
A hideous display of artificial flowers filled the center of the room, but that was the only really outrageous element in a generally bland decor.
Biologists have been generating chimeras for years, though until now of a generally bland variety.
A few genuinely funny jokes season the generally bland stew, mostly supplied by - who else?
But there was little individuality in the generally bland performing.
In the United States, which means California, it produces a generally bland white wine with a touch of sweetness.
They are not, however, officially recognized due to the poor imaging resolution and generally bland appearance of this moon, which hinders geological mapping.
The main stadium has been generally bland, even Friday night, normally a major witching hour at the Open.
The cuisine's taste is generally bland, with fatty foods being enjoyed during winter.
Another lesson about his adversaries-their taste in food, even the generally bland iron rations, was abysmal.