Religious organizations are generally accorded the status of tax exempt public charities.
The constitution provided generally accorded civil liberties and representation, a major exception being the rights of Catholics.
Certainly the Europeans have generally accorded him a reception worthy of a modern master.
Music is generally accorded a low priority and is underfunded, and standards of performance are unsatisfactory in many places.
The ideas and the methods they employed are worthy of much more attention than is generally accorded to them.
Something vaguely akin to the mystical, although performed subconsciously and without the solemnity generally accorded to ritual.
Given the time normally devoted to Arab courtesies, this would not be a particularly long discussion, but it was generally accorded symbolic significance by delegates here.
Contracting States shall accord to stateless persons the same treatment as is accorded to aliens generally.
Other members of Congress argue that a good start has been made, and that they deserve more credit than they are generally accorded.
The constitution generally accorded full civil liberties, the religious liberties of Catholics being an exception.