The prospective crew of the Adriatic followed suit and a general upheaval outside the union's control seemed to be a real possibility.
A number of fights had broken out between the workers and their noisy opposition, slowing the defensive preparations and causing general upheaval.
They formed in 1998 during the general upheaval following the fall of Suharto.
The Terran Exchange was just flopping up and down in a general upheaval, with the boys selling at the top and buying at the bottom.
Woolworth's closings are part of a general post-Christmas upheaval among retailers.
The problems reflected a general upheaval in Irish rural society in which the local population experienced net immigration for the first time in its modern history.
Much of the early folk-rock music emerged during a time of general global upheaval, the Vietnam War, and new concerns for the world by young people.
All customs and traditions, all our way of life, everything to do with home and order, has crumbled into dust in the general upheaval and reorganization of society.
In 1610, there was a general upheaval against the Jesuits.
At Glennanne they have upturned every flagstone on the garden paths and made a general upheaval without result.