The general unease was almost universal in texts up to the 1970s and 1980s.
Was it only the general unease of a telepath when the crowds are surrounding him too closely?
That creates a general unease about a situation that doesn't seem to have a center.
It wasn't a battle alarm they were calling, just a general unease.
Occasionally one of them would glance the youth's way as if expressing some general unease about him.
Instead, they expressed a general unease about their futures and a feeling that they were not getting ahead.
The worst was over, although he could still feel a kind of bite near his thigh and a general unease from the shielded cross.
At the same time, there is a general unease about chemicals.
Perhaps it was simply a feeling of general unease.
Fashion holds no monopoly at this point on a general cultural unease with the present.