It is also used as a general tonic to improve blood circulation and heart function.
Some people use bee pollen as a general tonic, to increase urine flow, and for alcohol intoxication.
They also take it as a general tonic to improve well-being.
Across its range it is used in folk medicine as a relaxant and general tonic.
Crushed tiger bones added to wine serve as a Taiwanese general tonic.
'Patient is receiving general tonics and sedatives,' they told him.
In the past decades it has been used by herbalists as a general tonic, immunostimulant, and adaptogen.
Some people use Panax ginseng to help them cope with stress and as a general tonic for improving well-being.
One was a medicine; one a general tonic.
Some people use it as a general tonic or as a sedative to promote relaxation.