Each series roughly corresponds to one of the five major story arcs of the manga, following the same general storyline and including most of the same characters.
Books and scripts that use the general storyline of Austen's novels but change or otherwise modernise the story also became popular at the end of the 20th century.
The 2004 animated film took its general storyline from The Godfather although it transferred the material into a PG-rated animated film.
The book is composed of 17 loosely-related chapters with no general storyline.
There is a general storyline behind the Amiga version of the game in which the player is an inter-galactic salesman whose spaceship has broken down.
While the novels and the later television series follow the same general storyline, setting the story 200 years in the future almost derailed any film or television adaptation.
However, the very general overall storyline and characters remain the same in all versions.
Each chapter featured new maps, characters, quests, and an expansion of the general storyline.
There have also been several films that transposed the general storyline of Hamlet or elements thereof to other settings.
Following a small prelude, there are four chapters in the original game, with each chapter following part of the general storyline.