Even as a fall collection, the show looked far more covered up than previous ones, and that may partly explain the general downcast note.
On a general note about referees, I've never understood why so much time gets added in friendlies.
On a more general note, The Guardian should be going to town over Paul.
It may include general notes, flagnotes, or a mixture of both.
One-room living has come a long way from the old bed-sitter image with its general note of poverty and desperation.
I asked for notes, and he gave me three general but nevertheless devastating notes.
On a more general note to consider, the energy lost in generating the electricity for the electrolyser is not included in this figure.
I am speaking on a more general note here.
The first page was a general note on vegetable poisons.
A thorough discussion is far beyond the scope of the article, but some general notes follow.