The general gist is quite understandable, but the details of the relationships are hard to manage.
We have all agreed on the general gist of what we found, however.
Still waiting for my invite but judging from all the screen shots i get the general gist of things.
Logan had no idea what the words meant, but the general gist was clear enough.
But do not misunderstand, she said: "The general gist with a lot of us, we are looking for ways to continue our careers."
I agree with the general gist of your comment, though.
This is a story whose general gist you may already know.
The Professor had, of course, said a great deal more at the time, but that was the general gist which Jim managed to take in.
I agree with the general gist of your argument.
He could now make out the general gist of Dor's speech.